A truly presidential event
Discover what the US presidents are really like when they’re among family. Get the inside-story of what it’s like to be part of the Presidential family and get an up-close look at personal photos, hear details of white house visits and much more. Be here for this unique event on the beautiful Truman Little White House historic lawns as you sip cocktails and enjoy hors d’oeuvres.
Exclusive appreciation dinner
Go behind the scenes of the Truman Little White House alongside the Presidential family members in this exclusive event. President’s Council members ($1000 donation and above) are invited to an elegant, private dinner with the Presidential relatives inside the Truman Little White House following the Family Forum event. Enjoy music, a delicious dinner and cocktails for two. Current President’s Council Members and above will receive an invitation via mail and email. To become a member of the Key West Harry S Truman President’s Council, contact (CONTACT INFO HERE).